Some criminals regard children and older people as 'easy targets'. As a senior citizen however, you can greatly lessen the risks of becoming the victim of a crime if you simply use good old-fashioned common sense and follow the suggestions listed below
The vast majority of criminals in Bermuda are opportunists - they simply take advantage of the situations provided to them in order to commit crime. It is therefore in your interests as a senior to take steps to reduce those opportunities and lower your chances of becoming a crime statistic.

Home Security
Make your home as secure as possible. Follow the advice contained in the Police Home Security brochure; it is a viable free of charge from the Library in Hamilton and all Police Stations. |
Don't rely on door chains for security - fit a good quality locks instead. |
Install 'peepholes' or 'door viewers' in your front and back doors. |
Consider using self-timers or other devices to switch your lights on and off each evening. |
Good outdoor lighting is an excellent way of deterring would-be thieves. Consider installing both fixed outside lights as well as sensor lighting units (passive infra-red). |
Alarm Systems
Consider installing an alarm system in your home for added security. Intruder alarms, panic buttons, medic alerts and fire alarm systems are all available in Bermuda. You can choose between a simple panic button or a sophisticated system which includes all of the above. |
For current information about alarm systems and a list of Police Approved Alarm Companies, contact the Police Crime Prevention Unit at telephone #299-4286. |
Free Home Security Surveys
How secure is your home? Since 1977 the Police Crime Prevention Unit has been offering free home security surveys to Bermuda residents. To arrange for an officer to visit your home and to advise you on security, simply call 299-4286. |
Going Abroad
Let a relative, friend or neighbour know when and where you are going and for how long, and give that person a telephone number where you can be reached overseas. |
You should also contact your Community Officer to let him or her know that you will be going abroad - so that the officer can keep a check on your home. |
Community Officers can be contacted at the following numbers:
Sandys, Southampton and Warwick |
234-1010 |
Paget, Pembroke and Devonshire |
247-1704 |
Smith's, Hamilton and St. George's |
293-2222 |
Vulnerable Persons Programme
The Community Beat Officer maintain a Vulnerable Persons Register. If an officer discovers a person in his/her Parish whom they regard as being vulnerable (for whatever reason), or if such a person asks to be put on the register, or is nominated by a friend or family member, the officer will record that person's details in the Police computer. He or she will then visit that person from time to time to ensure that they are safe and well. To register, simply telephone your Community Beat Officer or leave a message for him or her to contact you. |
Before Leaving Home
Make sure that all your doors and windows are secure. If you have a garage or storage area, make sure that it is secure too. Don't provide thieves with access to your tools - they may use them to break into your home! |
Going out for the evening? Give your home a 'lived-in' appearance. Draw the curtains, switch on several lights and leave a radio or television playing. |
Take some kind of warning device with you to sound in an emergency - such as a 3oz. airhorn or boat horn (they are surprisingly small and light), and also carry a small flashlight with you. |
On The Street
Never count money in the street. |
If you need to walk at night, carry a small torch. Avoid dark buildings and walk in well-lit areas. Stay alert. |
Men |
Refrain from putting your wallet in your back pocket. |
Ladies |
Never leave your purses or handbags unattended, and never leave them on shop counter tops. |
Avoid drawing attention to yourself by wearing expensive jewellery whilst out shopping. |
Don't make yourself a target by overburdening yourself with large or heavy packages. |
When walking along the road, carry your purse or handbag under your left or right arm - whichever side is farthest from the traffic. |
Returning Home
Just before you reach home, have your door key in your hand to let yourself inside as quickly as possible. |
If you think that somebody is inside your home who shouldn't be there, don't go in. Go straight to a friend's or neighbor's house and immediately call the Police - 911. |
If you are confronted by a thief inside your home, stand aside and give him room to escape - then telephone the Police. |
NB: The first instinct of most thieves when confronted is to run away. |
Beware of 'Con Artists'
Before opening the door to strangers, demand to see some form of identification. Police officers, Belco and Telco employees are all required to carry identification when working out of the office. |
Don't rush into anything involving money or property. |
Beware of people coming to your door offering to do jobs around the house and asking for payment in advance or offering to do something for nothing. |
Before signing a contract, consult a trusted person in authority (such as a lawyer or bank official) and have that person examine the papers on your behalf. |
Important Telephone Numbers
Police (Emergency) |
Fire (Emergency) |
Ambulance (Emergency) |
Crime Stoppers |
Hamilton Police Station |
Somerset Police Station |
Southside Police Station |
Hospital |
Department of Health
Social Insurance (pensions) |