Questions frequently asked by those contemplating joining the Bermuda Reserve Police ...
Q. How old do I have to be to join?
A. Men & women from 18 - 57 years of age can join the Reserves.

Q. Are there any tests to get into the Bermuda Reserve Police?
A. Yes - there are written tests, physical tests and a medical assessment. The standards for the Bermuda Reserve Police are similar to the Bermuda Police Service.
Q. How long do I have to serve?
A. We are a voluntary organisation and therefore can not make demands upon your length of service. We do, however, ask for an initial commitment of three years.
Q. What kind of things will I have to do when I’m a Reserve Police Officer?
A. The duties performed by our uniformed officers are many and varied. Officers are trained in the basics of police work,so you may find that you are attending a traffic accident,responding to an alarm or simply directing a tourist to the bus terminal.
Q. Will I have to give evidence in court?
A. From time to time you will be required to give evidence in court either as a witness or as the arresting officer.
Q. You say “as the arresting officer.” Can Reserve Officers make arrests?
A. Yes, Bermuda Reserve Police Officers are sworn Police officers with the same powers of arrest as career Police officers.
Q. What is the basic training course all about?
A. The basic training course for the Reserve Police covers many subjects in depth. In fact each subject is covered to the same degree as if you were a regular Police officer.
Q. Should I be worried about my safety while out on duty?
A. During your time with the Bermuda Reserve Police you will find yourself in confrontational situations. Such situations should never be taken as anything but serious; however, our training and particularly our officer safety training prepares us for such eventualities.
Q. Will I get paid for being a Reserve Police Officer?
A. Simply put, no. You will not be paid. We are a voluntary organisation and we serve for the betterment of the community. However, those officers who qualify do receive a small non-taxable allowance every six months.
Q. Do I have to buy my uniform?
A. No, the uniform and equipment is provided free of charge; however, if you lose an item, you may be required to replace it at your expense.
Q. Will I be able to drive a Police car?
A. Our officers may take further training and qualify as drivers of Police vehicles.
Q. Why should I join the Bermuda Reserve Police?
A. Serving officers have joined for a number of reasons; most want to do something for Bermuda and get something out of it for themselves.
Q. What can I possibly get out of the Bermuda Reserve Police?
A. You will become a member of a well respected, structured, disciplined organisation which will provide you with both training and experience which will enrich your civilian life, as well as giving you the knowledge that you are positively serving your community.
Q. Is there a social life within the Reserves?
A. Our main aim is to serve the community, but while doing this it is inevitable that we forge close friendships. In fact, the friendships forged with other officers are not only restricted to Bermuda. We have very close ties with other Reserve units in the South Wales Police Force, the City of London Police, the Royal Canadian Police, Oakland County Police, New York Police Department, and the Royal Bahamas Police, as well as the Cayman Islands Police. Each year Reserve Police officers travel from Bermuda to train with one of these organisations and over the years firm friendships have developed.
Q. How do I join?
A. The very first step is to get an application form. You can call the Bermuda Reserve Police on telephone number 247-1787 or make contact via their e-mail and leave your details, or ask a serving Reserve Police officer about joining. Which ever method you take it will be the first step in an exciting and challenging road.
Once you return the completed application form the process begins. The following is an outline of the various stages. The first step involves a background check carried out by the Bermuda Police Service. Should this check be unsuccessful you will be informed promptly; however we will not be drawn into divulging the contents of the report. Upon receipt of a favorable background check, we will inform you of the next available opportunity to sit the Initial Recruitment Test. Successful completion of this test will qualify you to take the Physical Evaluation Test. Next, an interview will take place in your own home. This will give you another opportunity to ask questions about service within the Bermuda Reserve Police.
Your intention to join is then circulated to all members of the Bermuda Police Service. At this time we will also be contacting your current employer. It is important that your employer is informed of your intention to join the Bermuda Reserve Police, as employers of Reserve Police Officers have certain legal obligations. Should you have concerns about us contacting your employer or in circulating your name, you will be asked to contact us. You will then be asked to attend the Police Training Centre where your suitability to serve will be further assessed.
Following the successful completion of the assessment process, you will be given an appointment for a medical examination or asked to return a completed medical heath evaluation, signed by your own doctor. The medical forms will be assessed and the results will be available within two to four weeks. Having successfully reached this point, you will be eligible for a letter of acceptance.
The Commissioner of Police may deem an applicant ineligible at any stage.
Upon receipt of a letter of acceptance you and a guest will be invited to a swearing in ceremony. Basic training for two nights a week for 16 weeks will follow shortly afterwards.